Title update 4.2 (Emergency bug fix update!)
So... it appears TU4.1 was much more broken than I thought. Never fear I fixed some of the major bugs that seem to be a massive oversight on my end.
Bug fixes
- Fixed star system GUI elements not working after loading in from the galaxy
- Fixed the tutorial not loading on the windows export
- Fixed the Shopping Center (Versitalis) not loading on the windows export
- Fixed second hotbar slot still showing an item when inventory is completely empty
So what happened?
Simple answer, I was trying to push out TU4.1 as fast as possible and decided that if the Mac export worked, than the window export would
For anyone interested in working with godot, the long answer is that Windows is very specific with how files are called (aka word for word, no mistakes). So while the tutorial and shopping center would show up in the Godot editor (the editor is much nicer on how files are called), it would not work when exported. This is because of two main reasons. Reason one is I for whatever reason when calling to copy the tutorial over to the user saves I did (in pseudo code): "copy(tutorialPath + "/" + fileName)". Which seems fine, but tutorialPath would actually be "res://data/Tutorial/planets/", which means all together I would tell godot to copy the file at "res://data/Tutorial/planets//fileName". This actually doesn't destroy everything in the editor, which is why it went unnoticed. Thanks to window's strict files system rule this did not work.
Reason two: When exporting a game in Godot 4, the res:// no longer exists, and so when you call the function copy_absolute on a directory, since res:// doesn't exist it cannot be absolute. Meaning you have to first open the theoretical res:// folder, and then do a regular copy from the file you want. I suck at explaining things so here is smart people that explain it way better: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/82550.
Anyways feedback and bug reports are always appreciated, especially if the bugs make the game unplayable :)
Get Tiny Pixel Planets
Tiny Pixel Planets
Explore the pixel cosmos
Status | Released |
Author | SP Possibilities |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | 2D, Exploration, Indie, Pixel Art, Sandbox, Space |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
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